Wednesday 29 August 2012

Final Show Images

One week until the show opens.  Here are some photos of the final installation.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Near the Journey's End...

Well, the work is on the wall - feels great to have it finished.  Looking forward to seeing the rest of the work in the show.

Thanks to those people who helped me to put it together.

Friday 17 August 2012

Vinyl Lettering Arrived

Okay, so the elements are pretty much all there. Will be great to see it all come together.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Shelves Finished - What Next?

So much to do, but feels great to be getting through the list. The shelves look good. Hopefully they'll look good on the wall too.
Next step vinyl lettering!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

DIY Central

Today i have been wood working to create the shelving for my books - it's going well so far.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Back-up Books Arrived

So my back-ups have also arrived.
The originals came from Blurb and these came from Lulu. Lulu were very fast!

Monday 13 August 2012

Books Arrived!

Wow. The books are finally here. Some good points about them, some bad. Will let you judge for yourself when you see them. On the whole I'm pleased.


Friday 10 August 2012

Book Shelf Designs

Well, after two days wiped out by man flu I'm back on the road again.  Now that the books have been sent to print (and in theory are in transit as I type), it's down to the task of how the books will be displayed.  Here is a idea how the books look together:

Monday 6 August 2012

Books Ordered!

Finally, after days of frantic activity, all ten books have been ordered!  It's a real relief to have them done.  Just hope they are printed quickly and error-free.

Saturday 4 August 2012

More Redrafting

It feels great to be in the swing of writing. The text I am working on is by no means epic, but the more time I spend with it the more I love the process.
This is now the third and hopefully final draft of the text for the Final Show.
Yesterday I spent the whole day on the covers for the books. It's strange how much work is involved in what I imagined to be a simple idea.
As a distraction I have been reading Woolf's writing diaries. It has been an excellent read. A real insight into the mind of an author. Makes me want to read all her books.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Exhibition Premise

The writing is going well - I'm almost finished with all ten books.  Until now I've been a little coy about the form the actual show will take.

The work will comprise ten books made in response to ten books from Peckham library's collection.  The work is designed to ultimately live in Peckham library and will tell a lose story set in the library, using each book as a stop off point on a larger journey.

For the exhibition catalogue I produced a short text, which acts as a loose introduction to the project.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Work in Progress: Lists of Books

Well, asside from watching the Olympic torch relay on Peckham Road (which made me feel slightly patriotic and want to buy cola) and an excellent tutorial with Clare Bryan, I made some headway with the text for my books.  The first draft of several books is now finished (orange), other are cose (yellow) and the remainder are no where near.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Text for Books

Well, it's hard to believe a whole week has gone by - I was hoping to do more regular updates than this!

For the past few days I have been working on the text for each of the ten books.  So far I have eight rough drafts, but I am not 100% confident about the choice of a couple of books.

The text below is potentially for Brideshead Revisited - a book that wasn't on my list this time last week.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

On the Road

The Shortlist - 10 books, to be reduced to 9.

So, the idea for the final show has been floating around since the beginning of the year and has threaded through The Dalloway Archive and The Shadow Library.

In theory the show (which runs 6th - 13th September 2012 at Camberwell College) will consist of nine of the ten books above in some configuration.  The above books are from Peckham Library.  The library will also feature in the work in some shape or form.